suirom's trails
petal erin
urbanity vs nature
so smile the heavens
blue muerte
brags of his substance
'tis very late
cutter's reel
ghoulish sounds
blu blues
supremacy over the cigarette
suirom's trails
suirom's trails
Phillipe Petit; an homage to a tightrope dancer

Episode 1: 


A Vessel’s Velocity


Here occurs the invented rejuvenation of a container who is a woman: a vessel contains an invisible space in which a predisposed time once existed, where certain events once occurred (or did not occur), and where, somehow, all of them are captured for a timeless safekeeping. This woman is a physical representation of a time spent, a period of an age and all of its processes, an event’s forgotten shadow. She encompasses a falsehood of exasperated longing, an unmet desire’s plea, a silent song’s lingering beat. Only when time can be captured and a moment gets extended, can she dance. Through her vacant eyes she sings the lines of the poet: “Long have I lain here before thee and long have I still to lie.” (Mak Dizdar) Her speed of non-movement, is invisible to most.

Episode 2: 


Homage to a Tightrope Dancer


The artist is first of all one that goes off the track, that lives on the borders, for whom life becomes art and vice versa. Philippe Petit, the man who walked across the Twin Towers while they still stood up high as the highest human build peaks in the world sums his methodology in this way: “Life should be lived on the edge of life. You have to exercise rebellion: to refuse to tape yourself to rules, to refuse your own success, to refuse to repeat yourself, to see every day, every year, every idea as a true challenge - and then you are going to live your life on a tight rope.” This is his artist statement that seeps into an axiom of life.


My project consist of….. “The essential thing is to etch movements in the sky, movements so still they leave no trace. The essential thing is simplicity. That is why the long path to perfection is horizontal.” Along this line of the tightrope walker the figures of animation move along, not any more as purely dead objects, but as animate things, alive, on the borders, simple and vulnerable.

petal erin
petal erin
urbanity vs nature
urbanity vs nature
so smile the heavens
so smile the heavens
blue muerte
blue muerte
brags of his substance
brags of his substance
'tis very late
'tis very late
cutter's reel
cutter's reel
ghoulish sounds
ghoulish sounds
blu blues
blu blues
supremacy over the cigarette
supremacy over the cigarette